
Conference Introduction

2016 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2016) will be held at Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES), Shanghai, China, Oct. 14-15, 2016. The conference provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of advanced information technology convergence.

The goal of this conference is to bring together the researches from academia and industry to share ideas, problems and solutions related to advanced information technology convergence. Authors are invited to submit original papers in all areas related to the information technology convergence and its applications. Topics will include, but not be limited to, the following areas:

All papers will be fully refereed and undergo a review process by at least three referees of the international program committee. All accepted and presented papers will be published as an ISITC 2016 proceeding and the excellent presented papers will be further revised and published in Special Issues of prestigious EI Indexed Journals (SCOPUS) or SCI(E) Journals (e.g. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, ISSN 1550-1329, Impact Factor: 0.665). To be included in EI /SCOPUS journals or SCI(E) Journals after revision, authors should pay journal publication fee additionally. The Special Issues of Journals are listed as follows:

A complete 2-6 page manuscript must be submitted electronically in PDF format (in Standard IEEE double-column format posted on the conference website). The paper must be written in English. All paper submissions will be handled electronically by online submission system on the conference website.