The Party Branch of the Automation Department held a party day activity themed on promoting Lei Feng's spirit
发布时间: 2022-03-13 浏览次数: 10

On March 11, 2022, the Party branch of the Department of Automation held a party day activity with the theme of "carrying forward Lei Feng's spirit, showing teachers' ethics, and being a pioneer in the work of Party members" through Tencent conference platform. The meeting was chaired by Xi Zhenghao, secretary of the Party branch of the Department of Automation, and the party members of the Department of Automation attended the meeting.

First of all, Comrade Xi Zhenghao led us to study and review Lei Feng's life story and the connotation of Lei Feng's spirit. Then, it focuses on the lofty ideal and nail spirit of selfless dedication, deeply analyzes the relationship between selfless dedication and teacher's ethics, nail spirit and dedication to work, and emphasizes the specific embodiment of Lei Feng's spirit in every teacher's daily work. Finally, the Party members of the branch had extensive and in-depth exchanges, and said that learning from Lei Feng's spirit would never be outdated, and the new era should carry forward Lei Feng's spirit. As a Party member teacher, we should conscientiously implement and practice Lei Feng's spirit in every bit of work, be careful and improve our work, be warm, patient and caring for students, strive to improve our abilities, improve the quality of service for learning and teaching, and contribute our strength to the educational cause of cultivating, casting the soul, enlightening and moistening our hearts.